The VDOE has launched the Virginia Quality Birth to Five System (VQB5) Profile Site.This site is public and has a field for visitors to search publicly funded preschools, headstarts, child care centers and family day home programs in Virginia. We are pleased to announce that our school is rated "meet expectations".
More About VQB5:
To prepare all children for kindergarten, Virginia’s early childhood system must ensure that all children have quality teaching and learning experiences that meet their unique needs. In response to state law, Virginia has developed the Unified Virginia Quality Birth to Five System (VQB5) to measure and help improve the quality of all publicly-funded birth-to-five classrooms and support families to choose quality programming across program types.
The Virginia Department of Education (VDOE) is a state agency that oversees birth-to-five early childhood programs including child care centers, pre-K or preschool in public schools, family day homes, and Head Start. This includes measuring the quality of programs.
Our goal is that all Virginia children have learning experiences that prepare them for kindergarten. Measuring the quality of these learning experiences helps strengthen programs and provide important information to families.
VQB5 helps families learn about different birth-to-five programs so they can choose a program that best meets their needs.