Dear JCMES Families,
We are SO happy to have our students back in the building after the holiday break and the snow days! The kids have transitioned wonderfully, jumping right back into school life with energy and enthusiasm. This week, we are meeting with all grade levels for behavior check-in meetings, where we refresh students on our behavior expectations and celebrate the great choices they have been making so far this year. It is a perfect time to reinforce positive habits as we continue to build a supportive and respectful school environment. We have also hit the ground running with mid-year literacy assessments. Over the next several weeks, students in all grade levels will participate in state literacy assessments, and our 3rd–5th graders will complete their SOL growth assessments in reading and math on January 22nd and 23rd. It’s shaping up to be a busy but exciting start to 2025!
Day of Play Donations:
We are excited for our annual Day of Play, coming up on Friday, February 7th! This special day is all about celebrating childhood joy with free play and themed stations. This year, our theme is dinosaurs!
To make this event a success, we are in need of a variety of items. Sign-up information for donations will be sent out in a separate email later this week. We appreciate any contributions you are able to make!
PTO Fundraiser: Shirley’s Popcorn:
Our PTO fundraiser is underway, and we are excited to offer delicious Shirley’s Popcorn—perfect for Valentine’s Day gifts! The fundraiser will run through January 29th, with deliveries scheduled for February 12th. Information will be sent home in folders this week, be on the lookout for details!
Approved 2025-2026 RCPS Calendar:
At the school board meeting on Monday evening, the 2025-2026 RCPS calendar was approved. We encourage you to take a look at the calendar, as it is helpful to have it well in advance for planning family vacations and events. The calendar will be attached to the end of this email for your reference.
Upcoming Events:
Thursday, January 16th: 3-5 Book Cart ($0.25 per book)
Friday, January 17th: No school, teacher workday
Monday, January 20th: No school, Martin Luther King Jr. Day
Tuesday, January 21st: Domino’s Spirit Night - use code DN6 when ordering
Wednesday, January 22nd: 3rd-5th grade SOL growth assessments (reading)
Thursday, January 23rd: 3rd-5th grade SOL growth assessments (math)
Friday, January 24th: Spirit Day: Hat Day! Wear your favorite or a silly hat!
Important Future Dates:
Friday, February 7th: Walk to School morning
Monday, February 17th: No school (staff inservice day)
Tuesday, February 18th: No school (parent conference day)
Thursday, February 20th: Fine Arts Night @ 6:00pm
Wishing everyone a wonderful evening and upcoming week!
Erin Branner, Principal
Chelsea Imbrescia, Assistant Principal