Dear JCMES Families,

We hope everyone had a relaxing long weekend! We were excited to welcome our students back into the building this morning after a second round of winter weather. The chilly January temperatures are certainly keeping us on our toes, but we are looking forward to another great week ahead!

This week, please note that the 3rd-5th grade SOL growth assessments have been rescheduled for Thursday, 1/23 and Friday, 1/24.

Day of Play Donations:

We are excited for our annual Day of Play, coming up on Friday, February 7th! This special day is all about celebrating childhood joy with free play and themed stations. This year, our theme is dinosaurs!

To make this event a success, we are in need of a variety of items. Please click on the following link to access our sign-up:

Donations can be dropped off in the office or sent directly to school via Amazon. We appreciate any contributions you’re able to make!

Parent Conferences:

Parent conferences are coming up on February 18th. Please be on the lookout for sign-up information, which will be sent home with students between January 27th and 31st. We encourage all parents to take advantage of this opportunity to connect with teachers and discuss your child’s progress. 

Counseling Corner Newsletter:

Our school counselors, Mrs. Hull and Mrs. Woodward have a new newsletter for you with updates from the counseling department:

Upcoming Events: 

Thursday, January 23rd: 3rd-5th grade SOL growth assessments (reading)

Friday, January 24th: 3rd-5th grade SOL growth assessments (math)

Friday, January 24th: Spirit Day: Hat Day! Wear your favorite or a silly hat! 

Tuesday, January 28th: Tequila Modern Mexican Spirit Night @ 5:00-8:00pm (1645 Reservoir St. #185)

Important Future Dates: 

Friday, February 7th: Walk to School morning

Monday, February 17th: No school (staff inservice day)

Tuesday, February 18th: No school (parent conference day)

Thursday, February 20th: Fine Arts Night @ 6:00pm 

Wishing everyone a warm evening!  

Erin Branner, Principal

Chelsea Imbrescia, Assistant Principal