Hello JCMES Families, 

We have been watching the weather closely and while the amount of snow predicted seems to still be up in the air it does seem likely that we will see some interruptions to our school week. In anticipation of this, families received an email from Dr. Shifflett, superintendent, on Friday that said the RCPS calendar has changed. Monday and Tuesday, February 17th and 18th will now be school days instead of conference and inservice days. We have also decided to shift our Kindness Week back a week so that we will hopefully have a full five days to celebrate! Kindness Week will now be February 17th-21st, the updated dates for our spirit days can be found below. This also gives us an extra week to get those canned food items ready for our Kindness Week canned food drive! Finally, we are waiting on an update to see if the delivery date for Shirley's Popcorn will be adjusted due to the forecast. We will communicate that information as soon as we can. Thanks to all who ordered popcorn to support our PTO! 


    February 17-21 – Kindness Spirit Week

    • Canned food drive happening all week!

    • Monday (2/17): Wear a Jakes shirt or green!

    • Tuesday (2/18): Twin Day!

    • Wednesday (2/19): Camo Day!

    • Thursday (2/20): Mix Match Day!

    • Friday (2/14): Wear pink, red, or white!