Dear JCMES Families,

Next week is Kindness Week (February 17-21), and we’re excited to celebrate the power of kindness with daily announcements, spirit days and a canned food drive to support our community! Each grade level will compete to bring in the most canned goods, with the winning grade announced on Friday, February 14. Students can donate non-perishable items all week.  There will be boxes by grade level in the main foyer.  We appreciate your support in spreading kindness!

Also, don’t forget to join us for Fine Arts & STEM Night on February 20 at 6:00 pm—a special evening for families to experience PE, Art, Library, and Music activities together. There will also be engaging STEM stations and an activity hosted by our EL team. We hope to see you there!

Next Week's Events:

Kindness Week Spirit Days (February 17-21)

  • Monday, Feb. 17 – Jakes Make Kindness Grow! Wear your Jakes shirt or green.

  • Tuesday, Feb. 18 – Double Your Kindness! Twin Day—friends or teachers can dress alike.

  • Wednesday, Feb. 19 – Jakes Don’t Hide from Kindness! Wear camouflage.

  • Thursday, Feb. 20 – Jakes Are Crazy About Kindness! Wear mismatched clothing and socks.

  • Friday, Feb. 21 – Jakes Love Being Kind! Wear red, pink, or white.

Journey Pictures – On Sale February 5-19

Journey Pictures provide a keepsake of your child’s school years, with one photo from each year they have attended. These photo collections were sent home with students, and families can purchase the ones they’d like to keep. To order, visit and use the student’s unique code found in the package. If you choose not to purchase, please return the pictures to school. 

Yearbook Sales Information

Yearbooks are now available for preorder! Order early to guarantee your copy at the best price.

  • February 5 - March 14 – $18

  • March 15 - April 30 – $20

  • Order Online: Visit and use code YB30626

Limited copies will be available when they arrive, so don’t miss out!

February 17 & 18 – Now Regular School Days

Due to the amount of missed school due to weather, February 17th and 18th will now be school days. Updated lunch menus for these days will be shared later this week.

  • Specials Schedule:

    • Monday (2/17) – Day #1

    • Tuesday (2/18) – Day #2

    • Wednesday (2/19) – Regular Day #5 Schedule Resumes


*February book cart is cancelled.  Bring those quarters the first week of March instead! 

February 17-21 – Kindness Spirit Week
(See spirit day details above!)

Tuesday, February 18 – Tentative 100th Day of School (if no additional days are missed as of 2/12/25)
Thursday, February 20Fine Arts & STEM Night @ 6:00 pm
Wednesday, February 26
Journey Picture Money Due
Thursday, February 27
PTO Paint Night @ 6:00 pm (Sign-up flyer coming home soon!)
Tuesday - Thursday, March 4-6PreK/Kindergarten Registration for 2025-26 

PreK/K Registration March 4-6 - Please help us spread the word about our upcoming PreK and Kindergarten registration dates for next school year.  PreK students must turn 4 by September 30 in order to be eligible (age 5 by 9/30/25 for kindergarten).  Families will register online and are asked to bring their paperwork into school during the registration days.  You can direct families of rising PreK or K students to our school website where all of the details and information will be available later this week.  

PTO Spring Auction – March 21-23

Our PTO Spring Auction is just around the corner, and we need your help to make it a success! This fundraiser provides crucial support for sports equipment, outdoor learning spaces, playground updates, enrichment programs, and teacher grants. A volunteer form will be coming home soon with easy ways to get involved—whether it’s picking up donations, contributing an item, or helping with auction prep. Keep an eye out for more information, and thank you for supporting our school!

We are looking forward to having our Jakes back in the building tomorrow!

Erin Branner, Principal |
Chelsea Imbrescia, Assistant Principal |